"Never judge a book by its cover...you'd do far better to get to know The Author †". I've been judged and accused of many, many things by others. Some of them lies, some of them were truth and things I needed to pray, ask forgiveness for and humbly request God's help to change me. At the end of the day though, I don't exist to get public approval or for the opinions of others. I exist to be a humble signpost to God. Do I often fail at that? Yes... regularly. Is God's grace sufficient? Totally. It wasn't my friends, popularity or anything down here on earth that saved me from my pain and emptiness. It was simply and completely undeserved grace through faith in Jesus that saved me. And so, my focus isn't down here... It's on the One, the only One who had the power to save a broken, hurting, addicted lost boy like me. And He can save you too... from whatever it is that hurts you. Nothing is a match in the ring for the power and authority of His love for you. I challenge you to let go and trust Him and watch what He can really do... Call out to Him.