Jesus, you are my guide - my light - my peace - my hope and my destination.

Because of you and who you are - I am never in lack. I have you and you have me and when I'm in that place I have all I need.

You lead me Lord into places well watered with plenty for me and enough to share of your goodness with others in need.

Your voice leads me through the fog and emptiness of this world into paths of light for your Kingdom and Glory. In your Majestic Name and for your Kingdom I forge on despite all odds

It's you alone that heals, redeems and completes me. You are the place I bring my broken heart to be mended by the hands of The Master.

Even when I tread the very path of death and it's foul stench surrounds me like a relentless flood - you are there. Even when ten thousand fall beside and all around me - not once does your ever watchful and devoted gaze shift from my frame. Who have I to fear when The Holy One walks this road with me?

You never leave my side and in the darkest shades of night your eternal Word comforts and reinforces your undying love for me.

Because I seek not my own glory but yours and your Kingdom - you lift me up and make of me a spectacle of your immeasurable love, mercy, grace and truth to all those who scorned and betrayed me. You choose to use the foolishness of this world that is me to confound the lofty and proud ones.

My very own brothers and sisters who sank their knives of hate into me while I only served them in love will marvel at the power you hold to redeem the broken. It is you alone that humbles and exalts. You are ever faithful and always pure when you judge. I will not avenge as this world teaches me to. Instead, I rest in your perfect justice Lord.

By the power and authority of your Name, I am sent to speak of your goodness, truth and freedom.

You give me more than my portion and it's your love that flows out from me into all that I come in contact with. I am your willing vessel. Fill me and use me as you see best.

I can never escape the intensity and fervor of your love and mercy no matter how far I run. Your peace surrounds me as a royal cloak and your gifts of goodness from above fill my house. My life is a testament of your faithfulness O God.

And when my time of this mortal plane expires and you at last call me home - I will live and serve in the courts of My King forever and ever.

Thankyou Jesus. It's all because of you. You are the I AM to my I need.  

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