Faith... So what is faith? Faith is standing at the back of a B52 that's circling at 30,000 feet. The rear door opens and the wind and air pressure rushes in like a hurricane. You reach for that parachute pack and His voice says "You won't need that..." And so you stand there... On the edge. Heart racing. Logic says "No" but He says "I've got you". And so you take that first step into freefall. Tumbling like a crumpled piece of paper in the wind. But His voice echoes over the wind "Relax... Let go... Trust me" And so you release your muscles and begin to embrace the decent. Before long you're enjoying what you first feared. In fact... You wish it will never end. But the ground is closing fast. The landscape is magnifying every second you drop through the atmosphere. Then you remember His Words... "Call out to me and I will save you..." Moments before impact you whisper His Name and in a thunderous entry His strong arms catch you. "Got you!" He says. As you gently and effortlessly ascend carried by the Lord of the Storms you ask "Can we go again...?" His reply "Child, You were made for this"