Hey, God put this on my heart to share with you guys firstly because I genuinely care about each one of you that reads this and your Father in Heaven cares for you so, so much more. This comes from a broken and heavy heart at the state of what is called "The Church" of today. I've been a church goer since I was very young and have seen some good things and also some very, very bad things happen in the church and in done in the Name of God. I'm not here today to sling mud at anyone or to judge - but more to give a warning as a brother who cares for you. We live in dangerous times, far more dangerous than many realise.

Many of the things that Jesus said would happen in the end times are now coming into place. For those whose eyes are not opened it may seem like things are just progressing along as they always were but sadly that's not the case. We live in an age where people who call themselves Christians can justify just about anything from outright adultery and hatred in the Name of God while abusing the concept of God's grace as an excuse to harm others and gain for themselves and their own selfish agendas of fame and riches. I know this probably isn't sounding very positive but stick with me to the end ok? It seems the whole world is looking for another man to follow, someone to lead them like little lost sheep but the truth is we were already given a man to lead us - His Name is JESUS. Jesus is enough.

We don't need another 30 something year old figurehead leader of religion to lead the masses to God - Jesus already was that. We don't need to be part of some thronging mindless crowed mass singing programmed repetitious songs over and over to get closer to God. Riches and fame are not a measure of the presence of and a relationship with God. Jesus said himself "where two or three are gathered... There I am in the middle". Think about that for a minute. Two or three. Why did Jesus say that I wonder... Was it because often those who truly follow God aren't in the big crowds but are instead somewhere quiet, somewhere small, somewhere humble... Just seeking God and wanting to honour Him and not themselves?

What God's led me to say is this... "test all things". Don't just swallow and believe everything you're fed. Just because there's a crowd there don't think that it's trustworthy. Just because you're friends say its all ok - doesn't mean it is. Just because your family always did it - doesn't mean it is either. Test things. Use your brain and pray and ask God for wisdom because not everything you read, see and experience is what it is on the surface. James 1:5 says "If anyone needs wisdom, ask of God and He will generously give it to you".  The greatest deceptions in mankind are the ones that are hidden in plain sight among the crowds of followers. You've heard the saying "A crowd draws a crowd..." Keep that in mind. Why are you doing what you're doing? Do you really know? Are you desperately trying to be part of what's going on but you don't really know what's going on? Be careful. Hype is a very powerful manipulating force.

Some simple wisdom that God gave me is this.. "look for the money trail..." The Bible says that "The love of money is the root of all evil". What that means is that where the love of money is, then there will naturally be money flowing from there. And if its the root of all evil that means that there's going to be a whole lot of really bad stuff that you really don't wanna be a part of there - even if you can't see it yet. My brothers and sisters, look at Jesus and see what He was. People said to Him "We'll follow you anywhere Jesus!" and His reply was "Foxes have holes and birds have nests but I don't even have a house or a bed - will you still follow me?" Keep that picture of Jesus in mind when you see religious leaders standing up in front of you collecting your tithes and offerings and building bigger and bigger temples of ambition and greed justifying it all in God's Name.

Keep in mind Jesus didn't even have a house and the "church" they met in was a borrowed room when you look at the exalted leaders whose lives flow with lavish excess. I'm not here to attack anyone or name names - I just implore you to open your eyes and your ears and see what's really going on. What's happening right now in the world is a precursor for what's to come. Save yourself the pain and seek God instead of mans ways. There will come a world leader soon that will gather a crowd like never before and show signs and wonders never seen here on earth. This leader is most certainly not from God even if He claims to be. Be careful, the crowd is often wrong in who they follow. Jesus said to the woman at the well... "You worship God at this mountain that you call sacred, the Jews worship at the temple in Jerusalem.. but there is coming a time when the Father seeks those who worship Him in Spirit and in Truth".

I'm here today to tell you that time is coming. Don't just buy into everything that's put in front of you. Just because someone has one million views on YouTube doesn't mean they are speaking the truth. Just because someone has authored 30 books, doesn't mean you can trust their every word. Test everything. Hey, don't even take everything I say as gospel. I'm certainly not beyond fault and I'm a human that sins and falls just like you. We have to test things against something that is infallible. Something immovable. Something that's perfect and complete. The great news is we've been given exactly that. It's called the Bible. If you don't read your Bible, now's a great time to start. If reading isn't your thing - give an audio Bible a try (http://www.bible.is). Test what's being said against the character of God, test the teaching by comparing it to Jesus teaching in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Test whether what's being said and done goes contrary to the examples in the Bible.

I've seen truly horrible atrocities done in the Name of God while crowds and crowds of people flocked week after week giving thousands of dollars to aid in it's growth. Why do people do this? Because they are lost sheep. Aimless souls looking for someone to lead them. Someone to guide them by the nose by giving them sweet words and the promise of exactly what they seek... money, fame and fortune. The truth is much worse though... They're actually cattle being milked of all their worth and led through the gates of a meat factory. Wake up and see what's going on my brothers and sisters because you're worth so much more than that. You're not just a face in a crowd. You were created unique with a specific skill set to be used for a deigned purpose by your Creator. You are not a number. You are not a database entry. You are known and loved by God and He has amazing plans for you.

Can I encourage you lastly with this simple thought... What if there are no "special" people that God speaks to...? What if each one of us are equally special and all have the ability to speak to God and hear from Him? What if that was His plan all along...? What if He doesn't want you to be ruled and influenced by some exalted leader but instead wants to have a powerful, fulfilling, intimate and trustworthy relationship with you. The Bible says "In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh...". No distinction on age, family heritage, qualifications, experience or anything by which we measure ourselves. God is no respecter of persons and as such neither should we be. God looks on the heart and so should we. Test the fruit that comes from people... not just their words or the fact that there's a crowd there. I write this because I care about you. God loves you and you're worth more than being deceived and hurt.

[ Matthew 7:13- "Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. ] 

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