I don't normally answer the taunts of my enemy but today I do... The last time you tried to kill my My King and you and your vile horde paraded and danced around His cross chanting your evil misguided cries of so called victory - the very sky created by Him went black in disgust, the earth itself cried out in pain and writhed at the sheer madness of its origin being unjustly murdered before it. Then... In such fury and power My King decended to the darkness in an indescribable blaze of light and plundered the very bowels of Hell itself, depositing my sins there and snatching back the keys to Death and Hades from you. His love and power then led a train of your prisoners out of the gloomy mist now under His rightful command. You were defeated once - yet you keep coming back for more. You afflict, steal, kill and destroy but I've read of your end. It all happens so suddenly. He speaks in thunderous unmatched authority and you and all your mighty armies of evil cease. The armies of light triumph under the strong arm of the one whose eyes burn like twin suns and on His thigh the Name "King of Kings and Lord of Lords". My King wins. His Name is JESUS!