The longer I live in this world... All the pain, suffering, corruption, greed and selfishness just breaks my heart. The systems of this world are broken, you only have to take one look at politics, economics and even humanity as a whole to see that we as humans are dying. Only 50 years ago it was commonplace for children to be enrolled in etiquette classes to teach them how to interact politely with other people - these days most kids don't even know what the word etiquette even means. I go to a skatepark in my own city and say "Hi" to a couple of the locals only to be greeted with a threatening glare or to be completely ignored. Sadly, kindness and selflessness seem to be such rare commodities these days. People who do help others seem to make a huge point of making sure their actions are noticed by others and that their own personal kingdom advances here on earth. It was never meant to be like this...
It's very easy to get down about it all - to think what's the point anymore? It's so easy to become weighed down by all the sadness, misery and hopelessness that's all around us. Apathy is right there at the door giving you every reason to just sit back, ignore the problems and make your own life as comfortable as possible while others suffer in silence. I prayed to God about this and asked Him to help me see things His way. In God's amazing way He did something quite extraordinary. He changed my heart from the inside out.
What He did was shift my focus from the problems to the solution. It's difficult to explain it in detail but in essence He gave me a gift. It's the gift of seeing others pain, others greed, others injustices, others crimes, others hopelessness and others hatred - and using it as motivation to be even more and more of light to the darkness. He made it that all this swirling darkness around me became the catalyst for the light. Fuel for the fire that warms this world.
He changed me so that the more hopelessness I see, it prompts me more and more to be that hope that this world badly needs. The more hated I become the more it fuels my heart out of selfless love for others. All the unjust greed and excess I see moves me more and more to speak up about the Truth and to give selflessly to others seeking no reward or compensation for my actions.
I'll say this plainly - the world doesn't need another new best seller book, another new world religion, another popular well known leader or anything like that for things to change for the better. All it needs is for each one of us to listen to and obey the voice of The Creator when He told us to be kind to one another. Consider one another. Forgive one another. Give to one another. Normal people doing amazing world changing things.
I'll save you the trouble if you're looking for a new way to find peace in this life - it's not new. It's very, very old - in fact... It's timeless. It's called LOVE. And His Name is Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life this world so badly needs.
Be kind. This world needs it. God loves you.