I come across a lot of different people in my life. Life's like that, it's one big adventure with so many variables at play. I do my absolute best not to judge people because the truth is none of us are called to do that - were called to show love and help each other. What I do try to do is understand people and why they do the things they do. Once you have that understanding you can better respond to peoples actions, words and emotions towards you. Without God's help though this is virtually impossible so we need to have that divine insight to be able to discern what's really going on behind just the physical representation people give out. God can help you to do this, it's a gift He gives to those who seek Him. A very useful gift indeed. So I'd put it simply like this - were called to be discerning - but not called to judge. The difference is simple. To discern is to observe, evaluate and then choose the best course of actions based on the information gleaned from the situation. This may lead you to ignore, avoid or respond in a completely opposite way to what happened to you. To judge on the other hand is to decide upon someones guilt and then to enforce the required retribution for their deeds. For us to judge others accurately and justly is impossible for one very simple reason - we don't have the authority over others to do so. We are all simply little children in the eyes of God. All on the same level. God sees past all our possessions and accomplishments and sees our naked hearts without any respect of our assumed position. We are all just sinners that need His love and mercy to just get by even a day in life. The only one that can judge purely and in justice has to be the origin of all things - The Creator. His Name is JESUS. So if you get that urge to judge others and dish out what you feel they deserve for their actions - stop and think for a moment who might be motivating you to do that... Jesus wants us to love and help each other but we also have an enemy the devil that is always trying to start drama, fighting and incite hatred between us as humans. The choice is ours as to who we will listen to... Will it be the quiet, unwavering, love-guiding voice of God - or will it be the selfish, hate-fueled impulses of our enemy? Choose wisely. God loves you. 

[ James 3:9&10 - "With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be." ]

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