I was on a run in the mountains the other day and ran past this old mining tower. It was in use around 50 years ago when the mines were active but todayit just sits idle, decrepit and abandoned. It no longer serves a purpose so it's been fenced up with tiger wire and declared unsafe for the public. It looks like the only visitors and interest it's had lately has been from a few teenagers spraying their tags on it - otherwise its pretty much forgotten. A lonely old tower sitting right at the bottom of the valley. Alone. You know where I'm going with this don't you... You might feel like that tower. You feel like you once had a purpose but it looks like it's all so long gone now. As the years march on your hope of even being noticed or of use to anyone of for anything fades...  There's no denying that those things happened. No matter how much you try to ignore them, those things changed the way things were. And now you feel lost, abandoned and useless. Hope fades like mist evaporating in the early morning sun. But that's not where your story ends. Oh no. You see, I was once like you too. Lost, abandoned and I too felt like I had no use to anyone or anything.

That is until He came. You know already know I'm talking about don't you. Yep, that guy... Jesus. I looked for someone down here to fix me, to include me and to make me useful - but it never happened. As a matter of fact I believe God actually prevented that from happening because He loves me far to much to see me get attached to a human being for my purpose and identity only to be deeply hurt yet again. It was only Him that could fill that void. It was only Him that could answer the emptiness. It was only Him that could extinguish the endless vacuum inside me. Only He truly holds the power to do that. And He did. He found me. He called out my name and I answered... I answered with "Jesus... please... help me..." Oh and trust me - He did. He did far more than I could possibly ever imagine. He unlocked who I truly am I inside. He completed me. He remade me and He promised to never ever leave me or abandon me. So if you feel like you're that tower... lost... abandoned... useless... Let me introduce you to the one who found me and made me whole. He has many names but the one you're going to need to know right now is this one... REDEEMER.

To redeem is best defined as "to compensate for the faults or bad aspects of (something) - to gain or regain possession of (something) in exchange for payment." And that's exactly what He did. He bought us back by dying on the cross for us. He became pain so we don't have to carry it anymore. He became loneliness so we don't have to be lonely anymore. He became sickness and death for us so that we could be healed and live. He became sin for us to take ours away. If reading this speaks to a part inside of you that aches day after day - don't fight it. Let Him in. He's the one knocking on the door of your heart asking to be let in. He won't force His way in but trust me when I say... you wanna let Him in. If you only knew what He can do... Far more than you could ever dream. I did exactly that when I was 8 years old in a dusty old classroom being told Bible stories after school. That day... I let Him in and everything changed. I'm not here to pressure anyone because at the end of the day it's all about choice. But if you're sick and tired of this life and trying to run the show yourself maybe it's time you let the Master do His thing.

It doesn't matter what you've done, how many times you've done it, how many people you've been with, how far gone you think you are or even what others think of you... Jesus just says "Come..." He is your answer. He can redeem you. He alone has the power to do that. All you have to do is call out to Him, ask Him to save and help you and He will do the rest. The Bible says "Everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved" (Romans 10:13). He will rediscover,  renovate and refine you into the person you were always meant to be. He will breathe purpose and life back into what you and others only see as dead, dry bones. He will redeem you because that's what He does and who He is. The Redeemer. God loves you. 

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