Hey guys! I honestly hope you're having an awesome day but the truth is I know for sure out there that there's a stack of you that are really struggling with life right now. That's the thing with life - it's unpredictable, it doesn't always go how we'd like and sometimes it just plain hurts like nothing else. I'm very, very familiar with pain myself and I love God with all my heart and what I want to say is this... Jesus isn't scared of your pain. He doesn't frown at the fact that youre as angry as hell at the things that happened that shouldn't have happened. He doesn't tell you to go away and come back with a better attitude or dismiss you because you're not in your best form. You know what He says when you're pain and anger is so much you could almost bottle it? He says "Bring it!" He certainly isn't afraid of you and what you can bring on your worst day. In fact, that's the day He wants to be exactly what you need - that safe place of absolution and absorbtion for all your pain. He is the open hand for your clenched fist - ready to catch all your pain and take it from you. You see...He's the only one with hands that can do that because of the nail prints He wears as momentos of His immeasurable love for you. So if that's you today and the pain has gotten way past boiling point - give it to the original painkiller. He became pain so you don't have to hold it inside anymore. God loves you and wants you to be free.

[ Matthew 11:28 - Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. ]  

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