God gave me this bible verse yesterday and it made me really think... Romans 15:7 "Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory". It made me think about how Jesus has accepted me and showed me love when I didn't deserve it at all. It made me think about how He sacrificially died for me when I was a sinner and an enemy of God. It made me think about the fact that He is faithful and always forgives me every single time I confess my sins to Him because of His great love. It also made me think about how Jesus was the friend of sinners and how He accepted and welcomed the outcasts, the lonely, the hungry, the addicted, the lost and the broken - and that He very much still accepts and welcomes them today. So what this verse means to me is that God is wanting me to be just like Jesus. Not high and mighty and full of self righteous pride and religious pedigree but instead a humble servant that shows His love, truth, forgiveness and mercy to all - even when it's not deserved or earned. Yeah, I wanna be like Jesus because I can see clearly that the world doesn't need more false religion, another best seller self-help novel, or another big name to go to the nations - it needs more simple, humble selfless love. Because after all... God is love.  

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