Jesus said "All things are possible to them that believe". Stop for a minute and think about that. This is the One that created everything out of nothingness. The One who spoke all we see, feel and touch from simply the absolute power and authority of His Words. The One who made all the rules and all the boundaries. The One that spoke absolutely everything into existence. And He says "All Things..." not "some things". So, what if the catalyst is us? What if the link to making it possible is simply believing? What if He truly wanted us to take what He said literally? Total and complete belief without even the smallest shadow of doubt. The ramifications of it are truly earth shattering. And He even said that part too... He said "If you have faith you can say to a mountain to move into the sea and it will". What if He wasn't kidding around? What it He wasn't speaking in riddles or something we have to water down with endless theology so that it is no longer possible in our science and logic based western world?

What if He was just wanting us to listen, believe and speak in total trust and obedience as little children? I'm here to tell you He was speaking the absolute truth. I had Chron's disease as a teenager - a disease with no known cure - yet I was healed by a simple, humble prayer of faith in God. I had severe depression and nearly lost my mind - another disease with no known cure - yet now I am totally and completely set free and was made a new creation by the power and authority of the Name of The King of all Kings. I've seen loved ones that suffered with violent allergies and food in tolerances completely healed and now they can eat anything they like - all because they humbly obeyed what Jesus said in the Word of God. I've seen electronics that were completely fried worth tens of thousands of dollars come back to perfect working order and go on to run for years later as a result of nothing but a petition to my Father in Heaven. I've seen many times the impossible proven possible by my God. I'm not here to boast - because it has nothing to do with me - it's all to do with childlike faith in the Name of Jesus.

I know what you're thinking... "but last time it didn't work...". I tried to believe and failed. What if there's part of the equation that was never meant to belong? What if ego, reason, logic and understanding has absolutely nothing to do with it and actually harms your faith? Think about it. Proverbs 3:5-6 says not to rely on your own understanding because it's tainted and flawed by this narrow earthbound existence. What if God wants you to believe in what you can't see, can't touch, can't hear and can't understand? It sounds like complete madness doesn't it? Well, there have been others mad enough to abandon the reasoning of this world and embrace the knowledge of the Holy before... There was an age when a boy was mad enough to stand up to a fearsome death bringing giant - and see the impossible happen. There were times when men were mad enough to sing to God while locked in an underground prison - and see the true power and salvation of their God. There were times when women were mad enough to say "If I can only touch just the corner of His robe I'll be made whole..." And she was.

God is looking for those same mad men and women to again throw logic and reason to the wind and say "It's time - I choose to believe!". God uses what we call foolish to confound the wisdom of this world. The voice of the Holy Spirit whispers to those who are asleep saying "Awake O sleeper, rise from the dead..." Can you hear Him? Can you hear His call? He's waking up the sleepers... Will you stay asleep and stumble on for the rest of your life in this bland, terrestrial plane? Or will you come alive and know the truth about whats really going on? It's time to arise. It's time my brothers and sisters for our eyes to be truly opened. Just like Psalm 107:2 says - It's time the redeemed of the Lord told their stories. It's time to hear His voice and wake up... It's time the Truth lives and breathes in us.   

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