The truth is no one really likes tough times. As humans we like to avoid the rough seas and would much prefer to sail in pleasant tropical paradise harbours any day of the week. But no one learns anything from only comfort and ease. It's in the trials of adversity that our strength, character, faith and beliefs are tested to their limits and refined. King David knew this very well. When He was a shepherd boy in the wilderness he was often alone looking after his father's sheep. David was a good shepherd who loved his sheep and would fight and work hard to protect them. Imagine one day that David noticed one of his favourite lambs was missing, the little speckled one that always seemed to push the limits but had such a lovable heart. But today was different. David looked in all the usual hiding places and buster wasn't there. Then his heart sank. He noticed the little lambs footprints ended right where a lions paw prints began. He quickly checked on the other sheep and locked them in their pen, grabbed his staff and then set off to track the lion and his lost lamb...

The lions prints led across a snowy peak then down a steep slope into a dark shaded valley. David had been warned by many of this place... it was called 'The Valley of the Shadow of Death'. Even just looking at the valley gave David a cold chill over his all of his skin. The valley was dark and towering sharp cliff walls lined either side, so dark in fact you couldn't see any end to the valley at all. But something inside David pushed him on - His mind had thoughts of "just let it go, its just one lamb... and its probably dead anyway..." but he just couldn't leave buster there at the lions mercy. David was a shepherd and shepherds find their sheep. So He clenched his staff in his right hand and forged on into the darkness of the valley. At first he could see nothing at all, the blackness surrounded him and the stench of death and rotting flesh filled his lungs. But then he remembered the old prophet Samuel's words to him as a small boy...'Be still and know I AM God'. As he waited, his eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. His other senses heightened also. Touch, smell, instinct, perception, insight. He now knew he was being watched from the caverns above. Rows of eyes glimmered in the darkness as they took spectacle to what they thought was the next victim of the valley...

He could smell his lamb now - a very faint smell of lambs blood. Following the smell, he rounded the corner and to his surprise perched atop a thorn bush he saw buster his lamb quietly bleating as he saw his master. He was still alive but badly wounded and barely breathing. It all seemed too easy. Something wasn't right... His skin tingled again as he smelt his attacker and sensed behind him an ambush. The whole thing was a trap! The lion had dragged the lamb to this place all along wanting David to be his prey. He ducked as the lion lunged over his head with claws just skimming his hair and clothes. A fire ignited in David's eyes. The same thing had happened before with the bear. He remembered again Samuel's words to him... "Listen to the Spirit's voice inside. It is quiet, but has absolute confidence and authority. Move when it says move, stop when it says stop" He gripped his staff and knew he only had one chance. Fail and you die. The lion gained it's footing and came for a second attack this time directly at David's face. David waited... his feet locked in position, His staff wedged under the rock face above him. With just milliseconds to spare David heard God's voice and shifted his footing as the lion made its deadly lunge only inches from his face. Large rocks from above showered down and collapsed on the lion pinning him to the ground. David knew his opponent was defeated and so did the lion. He walked over to the lion and grabbed its beard and stared into its large majestic eyes. Even though the lion was his enemy, he sensed respect from the great beast. He knew that this lion would never come near his sheep again. He had faced his enemy and with the help of God, He had won. He then gently rescued buster from the thorns and put him on his shoulders and headed back home to the other sheep. But now David was different. Very, very different. You don't fight a lion head on, stare into it's defeated eyes and come back the same. Twice now this fire had sprung up in him and he had a feeling that it wasn't the last time...

So when trials come, remember God won't allow anything to happen to you that He doesn't believe you can handle with His grace and strength. Alone you will fail, but with Him you will overcome and come out the other side a very different person. Stronger, wiser, lighter. A sword smith makes the finest and strongest swords by first choosing a precious metal, then once the blade is formed it must be hardened in the fires to produce the type of strength He desires that can withstand the fiercest heat of battle. No one gets any stronger in the gym by lifting boxes of tissues, you must lift weights heavier than you normally would in order to gain and produce muscle strength. God wants you to be strong in Him. Don't rely on your own experience, knowledge or strength - rely on Him for His strength, wisdom and patience in your trial. He is faithful and He loves you and promises to never leave you. Do not fear the fire, because just like the three men in the furnace in Daniel chapter 3  - in the fire you will find God. God loves you.

[ 1 Peter 4:12 - Dear friends, don't be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. ] 

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