I was walking through the shopping centre a few days ago and saw people from a charity asking for money to help an overseas aid effort and those in need. God brought to mind the verse "He who gives to the poor, lends to the Lord and He will repay". The truth is, no matter where you live in this world there will always be the poor. Poor doesn't always mean you don't have a lot of money. People can be rich in possessions yet desperately poor in value for themselves. People can also be very destitute of earthly goods, yet be rich in blessing and life from God their Father. Jesus told us in Matthew 25:37-40 that whenever you give and help those in need, you do it to Jesus himself. The whole purpose of us as humans on this earth is to coexist - to help one another - to live in peace. Eve was created for Adam for this very reason, to help him and to be a companion. It was always originally intended that they would help one another and tend to the garden of Eden together in unity. And we are created for the same purpose - to be a single body that cares, protects and helps one another honouring and bringing glory to God. No one is an island and were not meant to fight through life alone. God wants us to live in peace and harmony showing love and compassion to one another and not just in word - but also in action. Giving to others doesn't always have to be money either. Sometimes people need someone just to listen, maybe someone to physically help or just be there. And praying for one another is one of the best ways you can ever help anyone in need. So today can I encourage you, if you ever do give to the poor and those in need - know that it goes far further than just the individual that receives it. Jesus said that when you show love and sacrificial compassion to others, you're also doing it to Him. And He promises that the things you do in secret, Your Father in heaven sees openly and will reward you. God loves you.  

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