Jesus said to us in John 8:12 "I am the light of the world" but He also said in Matthew 5:14-16 "You are the light of the world"... Jesus alone is the answer to all the darkness, pain and brokenness of this world yet in His amazing grace He allows us to play a part in the astounding story of redemption. Depression, Anxiety, Suicide, Hatred, Lust and Death are rampant and ravaging this sad broken world yet there is hope. Jesus wants us to share the amazing and true freedom He has given us with others that so badly need it. In the story of the demoniac of the Gadarenes (Legion) in Luke chapter 8 the story ends with the demon possessed man set free of all his pain and suffering now sitting as a completely different man clothed and at peace at Jesus feet. The part that struck me the most was that the man asked and begged Jesus to take him with Him and allow Him to be another one of His disciples. Jesus surprisingly told the man "no" because Jesus had much, much greater plans for him. Jesus told the man to go to the country that he came from and show and tell them what and who he is now and the amazing things God did for him in setting him free from all his demons. Jesus told this man to go and be the "light of the world" to the people of his country that previously only knew him as darkness fearing and rejecting him. So if Jesus has ever set you free from anything - He also wants you to do the same. He wants you to be a shining light of His love and truth to a world that so badly needs it and to give them hope by showing them what He did for you. He set you free to be free - and to let others see what freedom looks like. He doesn't ask you to be perfect or represent yourself - instead He takes the pressure off you and simply tells you just to point them to Him. He is the King of Freedom and He loves you.

[ Hebrews 10:39 - But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls. ] 

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