In God's Word we hear the terms "brotherly love", "brothers and sisters in Christ", "One spirit in God" but do we really believe it? Do we treat those that love God and His ways as our actual family - or is it just an uncomfortable catch phrase and a churchy cliche? Jesus challenged the thinking of the day in His time here on earth by asking the question "Who is my family?" He then opened His hands towards His disciples and said "These are my family". Jesus said this to change the narrow mindset we often have of family. Family not just those who were born from the same parents as you, Family is in truth those that are born again by the same Spirit as you! And when we really take this truth to heart that those that are followers of Christ are indeed family, it changes everything. You see - Family don't lie to each other, they don't cheat each other, they don't slander or gossip about each other, they don't ignore each other, they don't abuse each other, they respect each other, they guard each other, they confess their faults to each other, they forgive each other, they give to each other, they feed and care for each other, they listen to each other, they fight for each other and most importantly... they pray for each other. Jesus reinforced this truth one last time as He hung on the cross only hours before His death in John 19. He knew that His time to leave this mortal coil had come, yet He still cared deeply for the needs of His family. While in extreme pain and agony Jesus took a moment to instruct John to care for Mary His mother and to now call her his mother and for Mary to call John her son. Jesus cares about and for you deeply. You are valued, priceless and rare. And He wants us to have that same value and love for each other. Family - it's more than just a word, it's a powerful promise from the Kingdom of Heaven.
[ Romans 12:10 - Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. ]
[ Romans 12:10 - Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. ]