In January 2002 while teaching a Sunday school class to a small group of kids and praying to God, God gave me and my wife the name SpiritBurn from Acts 2:17 and Matthew 3:11.
"And it shall be in the last days, says God, I will pour forth of my Spirit upon all flesh: And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, And your young men shall see visions, And your old men shall dream dreams"
"I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire"
Way back then God put a stirring in our hearts for our belief in God to be something more than just silent members of a local church but to be an active, outward explosion of life and light into the world by lifting up the name of Jesus and revealing the truth, love and hope from the Word of God. God helped and taught us to explain deep spiritual truths in simple form from the Word of God to the children that were as young as 10 years old - and to our surprise they were understanding it, receiving it and growing closer to God! Over the years very close bonds grew with the kids in the class but sadly the church had to close down for various reasons. Everything has a season and later we saw it was for God's will as some things need to end for other things to be born. Despite the deep sadness and loss in our hearts we knew that God wasn't finished with SpiritBurn...
Many years passed. Many things happened. Yet God remained the same. Faithful as always.
In 2013 God stirred again the embers of what remained of SpiritBurn, but this time He wanted the scale to be much, much larger. He clearly said the words "widen the net, hold nothing back".
This time it was not to be confined to the four walls of a sunday school classroom. Instead He wanted SpiritBurn to be a voice crying out in the wilderness that is the world wide web...
Welcome to SpiritBurn. I pray that God blesses, teaches, guides, encourages and imparts valuable and practical wisdom, truth and love to you from His Word that enriches your life and draws you closer to Him and His ways.