Every so often God speaks to me and asks me to put up an offer to pray for people on here which I'm always more than happy to do so. I believe in prayer because for one I love God more than my own life and prayer is communicating with God - and two I've seen what prayer can and does do many times in my life both for me and for others.Today though God led me to do something a little different. Stay with me and I'll fill you in. In Matthew 18:19 there is a verse that Jesus gave us called the "prayer of agreement". It goes like this..."If two of you who believe in Jesus ask anything of their Father in Heaven in Jesus Name - that's His plan and purpose for this world - It will be done on earth". The reason I quote this verse is because there is power in the Word of God. There is power when brothers and sisters believe together in God. And most importantly there is power in the Name of Jesus. Why is there power in the Name of Jesus? I'll tell you why. Hebrews 11:3 tells us that everything we see is made from the things we can't see. What this means is that this physical world hinges on an unseen spiritual world. Here's where it gets real.
Both the spiritual world and the physical world were created by Jesus, He is the Lord of Creation of both all things spiritual and all things physical - both seen and unseen. He holds absolute authority over both worlds. So if you need something to happen in the physical world - then you need to pray for change in the spiritual world. And the only way you can have authority to change anything in the spiritual world is to appeal to God in the Name of the One who created that world... Jesus. So now that I've got that part out I'll tell you why I'm talking like this. Our world is at war, there are unseen forces that afflict and plague our people all across the globe. They don't care how young or old you are, your skin colour, your financial situation, your connections and anything you think that you are. It is at war with us simply because we are created in the image of God. Some of the powerful generals in the army that oppose us are Fear, Anxiety and Depression. They are powerful giants that hold people down, suffocating them and robbing them of the life and peace that God intended for them. Here's where we come in.
We are the children of light, we are the ones who have hope, we are the soldiers in the army of God, we are the ones who believe in Jesus that He is Lord and able to save all who call on Him. What I'm here today to ask for is that if you are being afflicted by Anxiety, Fear or Depression list your name and I will pray for you and so will my brothers and sisters that Jesus has mercy on you and breaks your unseen prison. If you also know of someone in your life that also suffers from these things, list their name for them and we will pray for them on their behalf. Jesus said that if two agree then it will be done, how much more so then if a hundred or a thousand agree? Let's pray for our fallen brothers and sisters in Jesus Name that the Holy Spirit will be given without measure like it was in the days of old when a teenage boy faced a war machine giant on the battlefield... and won! Lets raise the sword of prayer, faith and hope in defiance against the cruel oppressors that torment those we love. Lets stand up for those who have all but lost their strength. Lets appeal together in one voice to the Lord of all Lords, the King of all Kings, The Living God and the Ever Present Saviour of this World that He sends help from His sanctuary to break the prisons that hold our brothers and sisters all over the world.
Lets make Heaven ring and hear once again the cries of the race of men and women for redemption from slavery. It's time to raise your voice. It's time the army of God is known. It's time we fight for freedom and for our kind. The armour God gives His soldiers isn't just so you can cope and survive this world... It's given so you can run into battle, full of brilliant blinding light and take back territory from our enemy. Our God gives power freely to all who kneel before Him so let us pray and become what He intended us to be - soldiers of light who fight for the freedom of others in the Name of our King. Our battle is not with flesh and blood and what is seen, our war is fought in faith, prayer and obedience - yet the outcome is very much seen in this world. I was once a slave to Fear, Anxiety and Depression and was set free by my King Jesus - now I am sent to make war with those that held me for so long. God loves you for more than any words can describe and it's time our brothers and sisters who are in pain know that too. So who is with me? Who will run into battle for the fallen, the broken and the hurting? Who will kneel and become mighty for others? It's time they tasted freedom in Jesus Name!
[ Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears; let the weak say, "I am a warrior." - Joel 3:10 ]
Both the spiritual world and the physical world were created by Jesus, He is the Lord of Creation of both all things spiritual and all things physical - both seen and unseen. He holds absolute authority over both worlds. So if you need something to happen in the physical world - then you need to pray for change in the spiritual world. And the only way you can have authority to change anything in the spiritual world is to appeal to God in the Name of the One who created that world... Jesus. So now that I've got that part out I'll tell you why I'm talking like this. Our world is at war, there are unseen forces that afflict and plague our people all across the globe. They don't care how young or old you are, your skin colour, your financial situation, your connections and anything you think that you are. It is at war with us simply because we are created in the image of God. Some of the powerful generals in the army that oppose us are Fear, Anxiety and Depression. They are powerful giants that hold people down, suffocating them and robbing them of the life and peace that God intended for them. Here's where we come in.
We are the children of light, we are the ones who have hope, we are the soldiers in the army of God, we are the ones who believe in Jesus that He is Lord and able to save all who call on Him. What I'm here today to ask for is that if you are being afflicted by Anxiety, Fear or Depression list your name and I will pray for you and so will my brothers and sisters that Jesus has mercy on you and breaks your unseen prison. If you also know of someone in your life that also suffers from these things, list their name for them and we will pray for them on their behalf. Jesus said that if two agree then it will be done, how much more so then if a hundred or a thousand agree? Let's pray for our fallen brothers and sisters in Jesus Name that the Holy Spirit will be given without measure like it was in the days of old when a teenage boy faced a war machine giant on the battlefield... and won! Lets raise the sword of prayer, faith and hope in defiance against the cruel oppressors that torment those we love. Lets stand up for those who have all but lost their strength. Lets appeal together in one voice to the Lord of all Lords, the King of all Kings, The Living God and the Ever Present Saviour of this World that He sends help from His sanctuary to break the prisons that hold our brothers and sisters all over the world.
Lets make Heaven ring and hear once again the cries of the race of men and women for redemption from slavery. It's time to raise your voice. It's time the army of God is known. It's time we fight for freedom and for our kind. The armour God gives His soldiers isn't just so you can cope and survive this world... It's given so you can run into battle, full of brilliant blinding light and take back territory from our enemy. Our God gives power freely to all who kneel before Him so let us pray and become what He intended us to be - soldiers of light who fight for the freedom of others in the Name of our King. Our battle is not with flesh and blood and what is seen, our war is fought in faith, prayer and obedience - yet the outcome is very much seen in this world. I was once a slave to Fear, Anxiety and Depression and was set free by my King Jesus - now I am sent to make war with those that held me for so long. God loves you for more than any words can describe and it's time our brothers and sisters who are in pain know that too. So who is with me? Who will run into battle for the fallen, the broken and the hurting? Who will kneel and become mighty for others? It's time they tasted freedom in Jesus Name!
[ Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears; let the weak say, "I am a warrior." - Joel 3:10 ]