When is the last time you stopped and just stared at the ocean and it's incredible vastness, complexity, diversity and amazing flurry of constant life and activity? When is the last time you gazed into the sky and let the sunshine warm your face while tracing the lines of the clouds and letting your eyes wander to the far edges of the horizon? When is the last time you went outside at night all alone just to see the stars shining as beacons and testaments of light and hope in the thick endless darkness? Yet in all the immenseness of this amazing world around us by comparison we live on a tiny little green planet floating in orbit in a universe which spans far outside our tiny intellect and understanding. In truth - we as humans are so, so small in the scheme of things yet the Creator of all we see and know seeks a deep, intimate and individual relationship with you - His creation. So much so that He knows you better than you know yourself and wants to reveal exactly that to you. To say you are priceless is the understatement of the century. Put simply and without question - YOU ARE LOVED. I pray for you today as you read this that God reveals even more of your unfathomable worth in His eyes so much so that it changes you day and your life.
[ Psalm 8:4 - What are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? ]