No matter how successful, popular, good looking, rich or famous you are - those days will come where you feel empty, lonely, lost and aimless. You can try to find peace and truth in friends, substances, intimacy, possessions or accomplishments but the real truth is it's just not there. Why would Kurt Cobain at the pinacle of his art being a true pioneer and an amazingly gifted artist in his field commit suicide leaving behind a wife and child? Why would Health Ledger - an extremely likeable and highly talented actor - decide that ending his life was better than going on living with all he had? Please understand, I hold absolutely no judgement towards those that suffer at the cruel hands of suicide. I have only extreme pity and sorrow for them and those they leave behind. As someone who also faced suicide, the one truth I found that changed me and brought me back from the dark abyss of death was this. I am loved. Whether I feel it or not, it doesnt change the fact that I am loved by God. Forever loved. Nothing - I mean nothing - in hell or heaven or on this earth can ever take away the love that God my Father has for me. It was love that saved me. It was love that reached down in pity with hands imprinted with mercy, truth and grace that snacthed me from the darkness and brought me into the light. So please, if you ever go to that place like I did... I beg of you with everything that is in me, call out His name. Whisper, speak or sceam if you have to. Call out to Him. His name is JESUS. He loves you enough to die for you and wants to save you too. Without Him, I would be just another tear soaked tombstone, but with Him... I am alive!