God tells us to love one another, and not just those that are nice to you. He tells us to love unconditionally, not to return evil for evil but to pray for those that hurt you and use you. God never expects us to become the doormat of the world and there will always be times you need to stand up for whats right or walk away from things that just aren't good, but we are always told to do even this in love. Love is the thing that signifies that we belong to God. It's His stamp or branding on his children. Jesus said this is the way people will know you belong to me if you have love for one another. So why is love so important? Why can't we just do what we do without love? Because God is love. If we don't have love, we don't have God. It's as simple as that. If we do have God though, it's only logical that love will be what flows out of us - like lava erupting from a volcano or the rays of sunlight that cut through the darkness of a deep valley in the early morning. So when we give and show love to others, we give and show God to them. So today don't think it's a small thing to show unconditional love to someone that needs it, after all you're giving them the greatest gift anyone can give. You're giving them God.