True Strength

Bible Jesus Faith True Strength Mark Jansen Adelaide
In the battles that are waged of unseen worlds between good and evil, our physical strength has no bearing on the outcome. Our reputation held amongst other lowly humans, our lofty stature, our wealth, our health or any other physical quality won't aid the battle at all.

The only factor that turns the tide of battle in the spiritual war between good and evil is our faith and loyalty to the True King, Jesus the Saviour of the World.

It is in simple obedience to what He says in His Word and to us through the Holy Spirit combined with the quiet submission to the reality that He is all powerful, all knowing and that His character will not and cannot ever be changed - that these battles are won.

We do not win the battles. The battle always belongs to the Lord. It is only when we submit to and rely on his impenetrable fortress of strength that we share in the victory as humble soldiers of His Kingdom.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.

Ephesians 6:10 ESV

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