Think for a minute about Jesus betrayer... Think about someone who ate with Jesus... Walked with Him... Laughed with Him... Cried with Him... Studied under Him... Learnt from Him... Someone who was His disciple who then when it the mattered the most  - out right betrayed Him in front of everyone and let Him be handed over to cruel murderers who mocked Him, beat Him, shamed Him and then killed Him in the most gruesomely public and horrible way possible. How do you feel about that man? What are your thoughts about someone who wouldn't stand by the Son of God and the Saviour of the World when it really mattererd but instead only showed selfish self preservation when darkness was descending on all sides? What do you think that type of man deserves for His betrayal? What should done to that man and how should he be remembered? Well, it may shock you but Jesus chose to use that man to build His church on. You most likely thought of Judas Iscariot when I described Jesus betrayer above but in truth I was describing Jesus' disciple Peter.

The same Peter that walked on water to Jesus, who ate with Him, learnt from Him and was one of His closest friends - betrayed Him at the very end publicly stating three times that He didn't follow or even know Jesus and even uttered profanities to establish his point of separation from Jesus. When it mattered the most and Jesus really needed Peter's support, companionship and loyalty he coldly betrayed the One who gave Him life, love,  purpose and identity. So why did Jesus later on choose to use this man to build something so important and something so precious as His church on and through? The answer is simple. It's called Mercy. Peter didn't deserve God's mercy but that's exactly what true and pure mercy is - totally and utterly undeserved favour and kindness irrespective of our choices and actions. This is the true heart of God and the power of His love. His mercy can't be explained or quantified - it must simply be received. God loves you and He knows you'll never measure up but it's His mercy and love that bridges the gap and brings us back to Our Father in Heaven through His Son Jesus Christ. I'm so thankful for His mercy that's new for me every single day because I stumble and fall so often like a cripple without his crutches but it's His love for me that picks me up over and over and gets me back on track. His mercy is there for me no matter how many times I betray Him. Thank you Jesus for saving me. Thank you...

[ Lamentions 3:22-23 - The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. great is your faithfulness. ]

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