I'd like to offer some wisdom in regards to relationships coming from a perspective God has given me. This is not some religious rant or something I've picked up from a book. It's just up front, basic wisdom that God gave me from walking with Him and I do hope it practically helps you guys. The thing is, whether you're in a relationship or not this all applies and I'll explain why. You've heard the statement "I'm looking for the right guy or right girl" but I believe it's less about finding the right person and more about being the right person. If you are living as the wrong type of person then you'll naturally attract the wrong type of person as your companion. The signal you send out is what you will attract or just like fishing the bait you use is the fish you'll catch. This all applies just as much if you're in a relationship already as far as the longevity of that relationship. So, the question is "What is being the right person?" Well, you can read 1000 books from 1000 different authors but personally I'd much rather get a far higher authority on it and you obviously can't possibly go any higher than what God says. So what does He say? Read Micah 6:8  "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God"

So put very simply, the person you should aim and pray to be is someone who has justice as a strong part of your character and identity. Why is justice important? Because justice is the root of loyalty, trust, faith and security. Those are all extremely good strong things to build a good relationship on. The next thing God says is to be merciful. Why? Because even the best people fall and fail but a merciful person will forgive and rebuild - that's the type of person you want to be and you'll also want to be in a relationship with when the going gets tough. Perfection is not reality when it comes to us humans but our weakness combined with forgiveness and mercy creates something truly powerful that can stand the test of time. Lastly, God says to walk humbly with your God. I'll explain this simply. It means to recognize that we are all just little children who need our Heavenly Father to help, guide, forgive, love and provide for us on a daily basis. In short - justice, mercy and humility are the three key traits you should aim to be and look for in others if you want your relationship to thrive and last the trials of life.  

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