Keep your eyes on Jesus
Don't let the haters derail you from the purpose God has called you to. If you follow Jesus they will hate you because you're not like them and you don't belong to this world as they do. Jesus actually promised in the Bible that you will be hated by this world if you follow Him. There's no need to hate them back, they are simply being controlled by an evil puppet master the devil. The devil is the origin of the hate and they are simply puppets being controlled by unseen spiritual impulses despite thinking they are exercising their own free will. This is precisely why Jesus prayed "Father forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing". When hatred attacks don't return evil for evil, instead overcome evil with good as the Bible tells us. Think of their hatred as an opportunity that God has provided for you to pray for your enemies that they will come to know His love, hope, mercy and truth that sets them free from the grip of the devil. God has the power to save and transform anyone, even the absolute worst offenders. Remember Paul the Apostle was once a murderer that hated and hunted christians then Jesus powerfully transformed him into the man who carried the message of the Gospel to the outside world as well as penning over two thirds of the New Testament. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Trust in God and in His power to redeem and deny hatred the opportunity to use you. God loves you.