Resist the urge to judge others - you're not responsible for their behaviour or choices.

Romans 14:14 says "Who are you to judge someone else?"

Micah 6:8 clearly says to present yourself before God - not to make sure others are.

Be careful of unfair expectations you put on others in order to control your environment or in a vain attempt to bring peace to your chaos.

Failed expectations of others leads to dissapointed relationships - when often in truth the expectation was wrong to begin with. I know I've been guilty of this myself many times and need God's help to rid me of that horrible bane of self righteous judgment of others and instead to live and breath out God's mercy.

Free yourself of the chain of judgement of others, their choices and their sins. Focus instead on your heart being presented before God and have mercy for others - their faults and their weaknesses - just as Jesus has mercy for us and all our sins and shortcomings.

Only Jesus is the Righteous Judge so give that burden up to Him and instead walk in freedom. Just be you. A child that God loves enough to die for.

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