Quick story for you guys from the Bible. God promises the nation of Israel a home in a place called "the promised land". They travel a long time to get there and the journey is tough. Many die along the way straying from God's direction and safety. Eventually they get to the outskirts of the land so they decide to send in 12 spies to gather intel and search out the land in order to formulate a battle plan. 10 of the spies return saying "it can't be done, giants live there and the cities are heavily fortified". Two of the spies strongly disagree saying "God is with us so it can most definitely be done". One of those spies was Joshua who went on to lead the people after Moses died and was one of the nation's best and most decorated leaders. The other was Caleb - a guy who goes down in history as asking for his retirement gift to be the hill county that's full of savages and barbarians so it's some sort of challenge to him. Needless to say even as an old man he drove out all the bad guys and made a nice home in the mountains. The question is... Who are you going to be? One of the 10 spies who says that what God promised you can't be done... Or are you going to be like Joshua and Caleb who didn't count the odds but trusted in a big God? I'll say it straight - Soldier up and see God match your fervour with His might and power. I chose a long time ago to take His hand and follow where He leads and He's never let me down once. I know Him well enough too that He ain't gonna start now. "If God is for us who can stand against us?" Go make it real because we have a God who is really strong.