There's a lot of pressure in this world to be a lot of things... A lot of people want you to be their savior, to fix all their problems and to ease their pain. There's also people that want you to be the scape-goat for all the wrongs they've experienced and to take the blame for their hurt. There's people that want you to be some sort of exalted leader, something to follow, something that gives them hope. There's even some people that want you to be perfect - flawless and without fault being the perfect representation of their cause. Can I share some wisdom with you today? You don't need to be those things. As a matter of fact, you don't need to be any of the things people want you to be. When God made you - He made you with a purpose - His purpose. When He made you - He made no mistakes. What God says about you and His plans for you are far, far more important than the opinions of others. Even if those opinions come from people with great power or from hundreds, thousands or even millions of fans - what God says still sits much, much higher.

One of the most important names of God is that He's called "The Great I AM". Why is this so important? Because He is what we don't need to be and can never be. You don't need to be famous... Because He says "I AM". You don't need to be the scape-goat... Because He says "I AM". You don't need to be someones saviour... Because He says "I AM". You don't need to be Mr or Mrs Fix-it... Because He says "I AM". You don't need to be an amazing role model... Because He says "I AM". You don't need to be perfect... Because He says "I AM". God gives you a message in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans that I have for you, plans for good and not for evil, plans for a hopeful future". Jesus is already all those things listed above so all that leaves you to be is... You. Just be you. Who are you...and what is your purpose here? I can't tell you that because only God knows. But that's the best part, finding that out is only found through relationship with Him - not through someone else - and that's what He's always wanted with you. Relationship. Simple relationship of a loving Father to a valued, planned and extraordinary child. God loves you. 

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