Hey, so I know a lot of you that follow me on here are probably Christians. I'm hoping you've come from a great home with parents and family that love you openly. Be very thankful because there are many that don't come from homes like that. Just two days ago I heard a tragic story of a client of mine who's family I know that was married with two kids who lost his mind and took the life of his toddler child then attempted to take his own life. He's now serving a sentence in prison. Just yesterday I heard of another guy who I went to school with that grew up in a Christian home and has a 4 year old kid and a wife that's pregnant with their second child. He's decided that he's had enough of his marriage and had an affair and has just walked out on his family. Theres now two families hurting very badly because of the brokenness and corruption in this world. For those of you who've followed me for any amount of time you've probably already realized I'm not your average guy that talks about God. I don't consider myself righteous or anything special at all. I'm just a guy that found God's love and it set me free.
I've seen darkness more than most will ever in their lifetime. Things so evil I can't and am not allowed by God to repeat. I've suffered the pain of a broken home and the hatred of many for most of my life. What I'm here today you tell you is this... There is a answer for your pain. You may have been presented a Jesus that's a light blue one piece garment wearing soft spoken kind eyed pacifist. The truth is He did come as that once, a servant that died for us. But that's just small part of His immeasurably diverse identity. Who I'm here today to present to you is the Jesus I met that set me free from my pain. The conquering King. The consuming fire. The Beginning and the End. He is the answer for your pain. He is the open hand to your clenched fist. He isn't afraid of your anger, your shame or that dark cloud of pain that sits in your heart day after day. The truth is this... He says "Come...bring to me all that hurts you... All that makes you heavy... And see the power I hold to change you..." This is why He's called The Consuming Fire. He absorbs darkness, pain, suffering and death. Here's the last bit... You might be thinking "But what I've done is too much, I could never be redeemed from what Ive done..." Can I just put this challenge to you? What if you're wrong...? What if He holds the absolute power to change the very blackest of night into the midday sun? I have confidence in Him so much to say that whoever reads this and no matter how many of you read this... He is your answer. How do I know that? Because I was that darkness until Jesus found me. So when you're done carrying that pain, drop it at the feet of the painkiller. See what My God can truly do. God loves you. You're Worth More.
I've seen darkness more than most will ever in their lifetime. Things so evil I can't and am not allowed by God to repeat. I've suffered the pain of a broken home and the hatred of many for most of my life. What I'm here today you tell you is this... There is a answer for your pain. You may have been presented a Jesus that's a light blue one piece garment wearing soft spoken kind eyed pacifist. The truth is He did come as that once, a servant that died for us. But that's just small part of His immeasurably diverse identity. Who I'm here today to present to you is the Jesus I met that set me free from my pain. The conquering King. The consuming fire. The Beginning and the End. He is the answer for your pain. He is the open hand to your clenched fist. He isn't afraid of your anger, your shame or that dark cloud of pain that sits in your heart day after day. The truth is this... He says "Come...bring to me all that hurts you... All that makes you heavy... And see the power I hold to change you..." This is why He's called The Consuming Fire. He absorbs darkness, pain, suffering and death. Here's the last bit... You might be thinking "But what I've done is too much, I could never be redeemed from what Ive done..." Can I just put this challenge to you? What if you're wrong...? What if He holds the absolute power to change the very blackest of night into the midday sun? I have confidence in Him so much to say that whoever reads this and no matter how many of you read this... He is your answer. How do I know that? Because I was that darkness until Jesus found me. So when you're done carrying that pain, drop it at the feet of the painkiller. See what My God can truly do. God loves you. You're Worth More.