I Stand Amazed (Live)

Awesome song. It's only in surrender to Christ that true freedom, true peace and true identity is found.

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Hopeless we all were... Outcasts destined for oblivion. Blind, broken and lost... With no way to remedy our vices and bound as slaves and children of darkness itself. But then in the darkest of night when the sages and seers all slept... you came. Such a clever disguise to be born as a mortal, the King of all Kings born among beasts of the field. Yet your divinity could not be hid from the wise... A king hidden in flesh, the marvel of ultimate power concealed in a humble human boy. The Creator became one like His creation to cancel the sin debt of the whole world... A path that would knowingly lead to a certain and terrible death. For death was the only way it could be achieved, yet as the supreme commander of the highest hosts He hid not from darkness. No... He trod His path unashamed, unswerving and faced the hordes of hell dragging our sins to their citadel. For death did not best Him... No... He harnessed death as one who rides a wild horse through Sheol, plundering and giving hope to all who believe in Him. Do you know His Name? Do you know this one? Seek Him and you will find the Truth.

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All things are possible if you believe

Jesus said "All things are possible to those who believe". Because Jesus is God and God can't lie then it means the inverse "nothing is possible if you don't believe" must also be true. Put simply if you don't believe God can do it then He can't and won't do it. The problem is not God because He can do anything and specialises in the impossible - the problem so often is our unbelief. It says in Matthew 13:58 that Jesus could do no miracles there because of their unbelief. Think about that for a second... The supreme creator of the entire universe who is limitless in power couldn't help those people for one simple reason... Unbelief. So the key to seeing God do that impossible thing in your life is seeking Him and believing He can do it. So can God do the impossible? Absolutely. Does God always perform the impossible at our request? No. Sometimes He has a greater plan for us and asks us to trust in Him. He doesn't leave us hanging and will always give us an answer either yes or no to those who seek Him. It comes down to relationship. He wants us to ask and believe. So... Ask and Believe God for the impossible. He can do it. God loves you. 

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One body, Many parts

We all have good days and we all have bad days. Life's like that. Sometimes you're soaring above the clouds and sometimes you're face down on the ground just wanting it all to end. Some days you're strong and feel like you could lift a car, some days you can barely get your head off the pillow. Here's something God brought to mind for me about all this... The next time you're having a great day rather than just enjoying every single second for yourself - take a look around and see if there's someone you could maybe help. Maybe God gave you an awesome day so you could help someone and bring light and life to that person who isn't having such a great day. Imagine if we all did that... It would be a very, very different world. It would be like a body that looks after itself and tends to the parts that aren't doing great just like the Bible says we should behave as believers in 1 Corinthians 12. Have an awesome day and feel free to like, share and tag a friend. God loves you for who you are. 

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The Fire Inside

I wish I could tell you, of this fire inside. More than feel, see or hear - like the sea and it's tide. A force more mighty than the essence of life - a truth not for sale but that's paid with a price. Not something to show, to act, or to play - but a truth that you live once your heart knows the way. See, those ones who know this - will know just what I mean. It's a filthy stained heart that's made blood soaked clean.  †

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Like a seed I am nothing

      Like a seed I am nothing,
      Without your earth, sun and rain.
      Just potential locked up
      Greatness locked in a grain.
      But with your care I can flourish,
      Like a tree in the field.
      By your Word I am nourished,
      And like the crop I will yield.
      So I lean on your graces,
      A humble seed in the ground.
      It's by your truth I am fed
      And by your love I am found  †

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God is good and has good plans for His children

This verse reminds me that despite how I feel, despite how things look, despite what I've done... God is a good God who loves His children and has awesome and unimaginable plans of good for everyone who follows Him and His ways. He's faithful and true to His promises and will save and help all who humbly call out to Him. God loves you. 

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Be Nice

Be nice. Honestly there's enough evil in this world already. Imagine if we all truly considered each other and decided to take the path of kindness, honesty, respect and love instead of hatred, rivalry, pride, deception, fear and revenge... Resist that urge to "settle things" yourself and instead follow the greatest teacher that humanity has ever known... Jesus. He is God in the flesh and He taught us to love your enemies - a concept that cuts against the grain for every single human alive - yet what if it is truly the answer to all of humanity and it's conflict? At the end of the day the real question is what is love and what is it to love? The answer is simple... Love is sacrifice. If only we could all surrender to love then this world would be saved...

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Way of the Pearl

Simple and humble carbon is transformed into priceless diamond through a process  of time and extreme pressure on all sides. A blacksmith uses the extreme heat of the furnace then drowns the blade in water over and over to harden steel into a weapon that is reliable, tested and worthy for battle. A precious pearl is created in response to the irritation of a simple grain of sand entering the abode of a humble unattractive clam. Do not give up. These trials are sent to test you, refine you and strengthen you. Stand through the fiery trial not in your own strength or with faith in yourself... But in the knowledge and strength that Jesus will only allow these things when He knows through Him you can stand and endure. So stand soldier. Don't give up or give in and see God transform you and produce something truly amazing from the fire. God loves you. 

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Kindness has a reward

Revenge leads to death in far more ways than you can imagine. You may think you are in control but walking that path is to submit to and serve evil itself. Instead of taking the dark, easy and accessible road of retribution choose the path of kindness and doing right then leave the rest to God. He promises to repay and avenge and is the only righteous judge that sees all - motive and actions. Jesus taught us to love our enemies by choosing to not return evil for evil, to show kindness when it's undeserving and to pray for those who only show us hatred and harm. Jesus never said it would be easy and but He does promise to walk with us, help us and reward those who choose His ways. Choose to follow Jesus - the source of life and seek His ways and He will reward you with life, righteousness and honour.

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