God is nearest to those who need Him most and who seek Him earnestly and humbly.
Jesus said "I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance". Luke 5:32.
This verse can be best explained like this... Jesus did not come to do a roll-call for the pretty, successful, famous, rich and powerful of this world - but instead He came to help people whose lives are a struggle, who haven't got it all together and who can't see how they are going to make it through the week. He came to help people of this world whose lives are a mess and to graciously help them turn their life around for good by following Him.
He can't help you or save you if you don't have anything wrong at all - God helps and saves those who call out to Him in desperate need.
The awesome news is that God is more than happy to help all who call out to Him for help. That is precisely why He sent His only Son Jesus to die in our place for our sins and to save all who accept Him as their saviour. We all need God's help but the choice to accept or reject His help rests with us.
Jesus said "scarcely will a rich man enter God's Kingdom..." Matthew 19:23.
Jesus said this because when you have plenty of money, you easily believe the lie that your money can protect you, provide for you and is a score card of your worth by comparison to others.
Essentially, the more money you have - the less you will need God and the likelihood of you humbly asking for His help or guidance in a time of need diminishes exponentially in proportion to your accumulated wealth.
Beware of those who advertise and preach a "prosperity gospel". We are seeing more and more of this across Australia (especially in the pentecostal churches) as so many "preachers" are seduced by greed and fame into compromising the Truth of God's Word and the powerful message of repentance into an empty lie of fortune and glory devoid of any ramifications or consequence of sinful choices while justifying their selfish greed as the "blessing of the Lord".
Read the book of Jude to hear God's view first hand of how He feels about those who chase riches and lead others astray with its dangerous lies.
Jesus never said He plans to make you rich, powerful and comfortable down here on earth - He told us specifically not to chase the money and fame of this world but told us instead He is making an extraordinary home for us heaven. He told us to keep our focus on Him and Heaven with Him, not all that sparkles down here.
The devil on the other hand is more than happy to make you as rich, satisfied and comfortable as possible so long as it keeps you away from God and His Kingdom.
Call out to God in your worst time of need, He promises to hear, help and save you as well as continue to walk with and lead you forever. (Romans 10:13)
The Lord is righteous in all his ways and kind in all his works. The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desire of those who fear him; he also hears their cry and saves them.
Psalms 145:17-19 ESV
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